Investment in equity always intends a higher return for the investor. If an investor
wants to diversify his income in short term or long term investment than equity
turns out as a higher return investment. Of course Investment in equity is very
risky but you can get a higher return at the cost of a higher risk. However risk
of investing in equities can be resolved by confident and appropriate research based
Derivative Trading includes trading of forward, future, option or any other contract
of pre determined fixed duration instruments whose values derived from an underlying
assets. These underlying assets can be any securities, commodities, currency or
Investing in FNO gives you an opportunity to get your desired profit while having
your open position in the market. FNO enables investor to take positions in a FUTURE
or OPTIONS contract for small amount of margin money. Investor who does not want
to take more risk in market can go for FNO Investment as it is like to get benefits
of roll over the existing positions for future reference rate of particular equity.